Markdown Free
ByCrowdinVerified Author

Markdown file localization

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Markdown translation with Crowdin

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Markdown is a natively supported file format, you can use it without an additional installation. Just upload it to your projects and start the localization.

Available Configurations

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The Markdown file format can be configured to optimize its use with Crowdin for better content handling. The following is a list of available configuration options.

  • Enable content segmentation.

  • Custom segmentation rules.

  • Exclude code blocks.

  • Excluded front matter elements.

File Format Details

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Attribute Value
File Extension .md, .markdown, .mdown, .mkdn, .mkd, .mdwn, .text
API Type md
Source can be edited in Crowdin No
Generating translated files via Bundles Search Crowdin Store
Supports pluralization No
WYSIWYG Preview in the editor Yes
Supported types of contextual information Text comments, Screenshots, In-Context
Custom attributes No
Existing translations import possibility ML-based technology

Sample File

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# Level 1 Section Title

The paragraph with font styles: a **bold** word and an _italicized_ word. ~~The world is flat.~~ We now know that the world is round.

![Image Alt Text](/assets/images/image.jpg "Image")

Here's a simple footnote,[^1] and here's a longer one.[^bignote]

## Level 2 Section Title

#### Ordered List

1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
    1. Indented item
    2. Indented item
4. Fourth item

#### Unordered List

- First item
- Second item
- Third item
    - Indented item
    - Indented item
- Fourth item

The paragraph.

### Level 3 Section Title

| Syntax      | Description | Test Text     |
| :---        |    :----:   |          ---: |
| Header      | Title       | Here's this   |
| Paragraph   | Text        | And more      |

# Level 1 Section Title

> This is a blockquote.

> This is also a blockquote.
> The difference is that it has multiple paragraphs.

> This is a nested blockquote.
>> This is a nested blockquote.

[//]: # (This syntax works like a comment, and won't appear in any output.)

# Level 1 Section Title

This is a link to the [Markdown article]({:target="_blank"}.

[^1]: This is the first footnote.
[^bignote]: Here's one with multiple paragraphs and code.

    Indent paragraphs to include them in the footnote.

    `{ my code }`

    Add as many paragraphs as you like.

### Custom Containers

::: info
This is an info box.

::: tip Title
This is a tip.

Translating Markdown

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Sample of Markdown with YAML Front Matter


layout: article

title: Article Title


# Level 1 Section Title

The paragraph.

Sample of Markdown with TOML Front Matter


date = 2077-01-01T03:22:45-02:00

draft = false

title = 'Article Title'

weight = 10


  author = 'Michael Ross'


# Level 1 Section Title

The paragraph.

Crowdin is a platform that helps you manage and translate content into different languages. Integrate Crowdin with your repo, CMS, or other systems. Source content is always up to date for your translators, and translated content is returned automatically.

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File Formats
Works with
  • Crowdin Enterprise

Released on May 16, 2022

Updated on Feb 23, 2024

Published by Crowdin
