Argos Multilingual

Language solutions for a connected world


Argos Multilingual provides global language solutions. With over 30 years of experience, we serve clients in the high-tech, life sciences, human resources, and financial industries.

We make it easy for businesses to grow globally and connect with expert talent anywhere in the world. With production centers in Europe, the Americas, and Asia, we follow a strategy of building robust programs for continuous translation and localization. You can expect a long-term and transparent partnership, backed by innovative solutions around technology, AI & data, creative content, and quality assurance.

We are committed to giving you freedom of choice while providing customized strategies to fit your business needs, and we are ISO 9001, ISO 17100, EN ISO 13485, and ISO 27001 certified.

Crowdin is a platform that helps you manage and translate content into different languages. Integrate Crowdin with your repo, CMS, or other systems. Source content is always up to date for your translators, and translated content is returned automatically.

Learn More
  • General
  • Marketing / Consumer/ Media
  • Medical
  • Software / IT
  • Technical / Engineering
  • Mobile Applications
  • Business / Finance
  • Ad-Words / Banners
  • Automotive / Aerospace
  • USA
  • Poland
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands
  • UK
  • Spain
  • Japan
  • China
  • Argentina
  • Continuous Localization
  • Localization Expertise
  • Localization Assistance
  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • Source Texts Review
  • Localization Testing
Works with
  • Crowdin Enterprise