Enhance AI Results with Relevant Context
The Vector Memory app allows you to integrate vector databases into your AI prompts, improving translation quality and accuracy. These are not the files you want to translate but similar files within the same domain. For instance, if you're translating a legal document or a law, you can provide another law already translated into the target language as a reference.
Install the App
Create a Store
Open the app and Add store. Group files by shared themes or related content for better results, such as documents on the same topic or within the same industry.
Set Up a Prompt in the AI Section
Go to the AI section and create a new prompt.
Select the Vector Memory mode (this is an essential step).
Customize your prompt as needed.
Link Your Store and Set Document Limits
Choose the store from which the AI will retrieve documents. Then, set the maximum number of documents to include in the stream. Through testing, we've found that 4 documents works well, but you can adjust this setting to meet your needs.
Crowdin is a platform that helps you manage and translate content into different languages. Integrate Crowdin with your repo, CMS, or other systems. Source content is always up to date for your translators, and translated content is returned automatically.
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