Appsmith Free

Build, ship, and maintain Crowdin apps with no code

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What is Appsmith?

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It's a an opensource tool that allows you to build, ship, and maintain micro applications in a no code or low code manner. This guide describes how you can develop Crowdin apps with an Appsmith.

What kind of apps can you create with Appsmith?

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Editor plugins, custom dashboards, admin panels, and CRUD apps that enable your team to automate processes and securely interact with Crowdin APIs or your own databases or APIs.

Building Appsmith app

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Please refer to the Apsmith knowledge base for a quick start guides.

Embedding Appsmith app into Crowdin

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Crowdin apps should follow certain rules to be displaed in the UI. Therefore you should use an intermediate app that would transform Appsmith app into Crowdin app.

Use the following skeleton to transform Appsmith app URL into Crowdin app URL:{appsmith-app-id}/{crowdin-module}/manifest.json

Where {appsmith-app-id} can be found in your Appsmith app URL, {crowdin-module} - is a module name of Crowdin (a descriptor of where the Crowdin app should live)

Finding Appsmith app ID

Check Crowdin App Modules to find the identifiers for the second variable.

Let's take, for example, project-tools module and build a final Crowdin App Manifest URL

Use this URL to install your app into Crowdin

Crowdin is a platform that helps you manage and translate content into different languages. Integrate Crowdin with your repo, CMS, or other systems. Source content is always up to date for your translators, and translated content is returned automatically.

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Works with
  • Crowdin Enterprise
  • Connectors.Center

Released on Jul 18, 2022

Updated on Jul 18, 2022

Published by Community
