Duplicate punctuation symbols Free
ByCrowdinVerified Author

Checks whether the translation contains duplicated punctuation symbols


Checks whether the translation contains duplicated punctuation symbols

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Returns the error message and the list of fixes (removing extra punctuation symbols).

Configuration: arrayOfPunctuation - The list of punctuation symbols that should be checked.

To add the custom QA check, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Organization Settings.

  2. Click Add-ons on the right menu and choose Custom QA checks.

  3. Click Create Custom QA Test.

  4. Provide the details of the custom QA check in the required fields:

  • Name – name your custom QA check in clear terms, so the translator can understand what should be corrected in translation
  • Description – explain what custom QA check corrects or verifies
  • Code Snippet – provide the Javascript-based code snippet to make the QA check work. It includes a crowdin object and a number of properties. To create the code snippet, use the following structure:
object crowdin { 
 string sourceLanguage, 
 string targetLanguage,
 object context { 
  ?int maxLength, 
  ?string pluralForm 
 string contentType, 
 string source, 
 string translation 

Crowdin code snippet has the limitations listed below:

T- he code is completely sandboxed. Neither browser context nor NodeJS context is available.

  • Standard objects like date, math and similar ones are not available.
  • Crowdin limits the time of running the custom QA check: a user’s code can run up to 100 ms. If the code snippet is too complex or has any mistakes, the custom QA check can be processed longer and will be stopped. In this case, correct the issues and run the check over.
  • Read the Code Snippet for Custom QA Checks article for more details on how to create your own custom QA checks.
  1. Click Create.

  2. Enable QA check in Project Settings tab.

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Crowdin is a platform that helps you manage and translate content into different languages. Integrate Crowdin with your repo, CMS, or other systems. Source content is always up to date for your translators, and translated content is returned automatically.

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Works with
  • Crowdin Enterprise

Released on Jan 18, 2021

Updated on Jul 12, 2024

Published by Crowdin
