Fireworks AI FreeBeta
ByCrowdinVerified Author

Fireworks AI for Crowdin


Fireworks AI is a platform for developing and hosting generative AI. It enables companies to train and deploy advanced generative AI models for various localization tasks. This Crowdin app allows you to connect with your LLM models hosted on Fireworks AI.

Features and benefits:

  • Efficient performance: Start with the fastest model APIs and boost performance through cost-effective customizations.
  • Advanced application development: Advance to sophisticated AI systems and build powerful applications.
  • Fast inference: Get rapid inferences from popular and specialized models, optimized for minimal latency, high throughput, and extended context length.
  • Flexible model serving: Take advantage of disaggregated serving, semantic caching, and speculative decoding.

Fireworks AI in Crowdin

Crowdin is a platform that helps you manage and translate content into different languages. Integrate Crowdin with your repo, CMS, or other systems. Source content is always up to date for your translators, and translated content is returned automatically.

Learn More
Machine Translation
Works with
  • Crowdin Enterprise

Released on Jul 24, 2024

Updated on Aug 9, 2024

Published by Crowdin
