Know what's happening in your projects with updates for specified events, like completed translations and mentions sent directly to Slack.
With Crowdin’s Slack integration, you’ll know instantly what’s happening in Crowdin. Receive updates on events in your account and projects, like language progress, new strings, mentions, and more.
After you integrate Crowdin account with Slack, select notifications you’d like to receive, and Crowdin bot will send them as direct messages.
Choose the type of notifications you would like to receive from Crowdin projects.
Get the immediate notifications from CrowdinBot along with the key information regarding the occured events.
Set the preferred notification rules for each project you participate in.
Crowdin is a platform that helps you manage and translate content into different languages. Integrate Crowdin with your repo, CMS, or other systems. Source content is always up to date for your translators, and translated content is returned automatically.
Learn MoreReleased on Dec 25, 2019
Updated on Sep 17, 2024
Published by Crowdin