Deliver new translations to your application over-the-air. Get real-time translation previews and easily add app screenshots to your project.
Crowdin Android / Kotlin SDK allows you immediately deliver new translations from Crowdin to your application over-the-air. So there's no need to update your app via the Google Play to publish new translations. SDK also includes real-time preview and screenshot tagging.
The integration provides:
If you have up to 1M requests and 10GB of data transfer, it's free. The higher tiers are priced fairly on a usage basis.
Crowdin sends translations via Amazon CloudFront. Users instantly receive translations from the closest server.
User data is stored exclusively on Amazon Servers, never compromising on data security.
Crowdin is a platform that helps you manage and translate content into different languages. Integrate Crowdin with your repo, CMS, or other systems. Source content is always up to date for your translators, and translated content is returned automatically.
Learn MoreReleased on Dec 26, 2019
Updated on Sep 25, 2024
Published by Crowdin