Custom Pre-Export Processor FreeBeta
ByAwesome CrowdinVerified Author

This application allows you to process translated strings before exporting with custom code.



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This application allows you to process translated strings before writing them into the translated resource file with your own JavaScript code.


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JavaScript code is executed in a sandboxed environment with no access to I/O (file system, network) or external NPM modules.

This app will expose the following variables in the global environment:

  • strings - an array of objects containing all strings Crowdin identified as translatable. Please refer to the Developer Portal to learn more about the data structures.
  • fileName - the name of the uploaded file;
  • projectId - Crowdin project ID;
  • languageId - Target language Crowdin ID;
  • error - the error message you want to return. If set, the import will be aborted and the error message will be shown to the user;

Edit string properties inside the strings array to introduce changes you need.

Example application

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Replace Product with SUPER

for(const string of strings) {
    string.translations[languageId].text = string.translations[languageId].text.replace('Product', 'SUPER!');

In JSON files, set the value to empty string for all untranslated strings.

if (fileName.endsWith('.json')) {
    for (const string of strings) {
        if (string.translations[languageId].status == 'untranslated') {
            string.translations[languageId].text = '';


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Crowdin is a platform that helps you manage and translate content into different languages. Integrate Crowdin with your repo, CMS, or other systems. Source content is always up to date for your translators, and translated content is returned automatically.

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File Formats
Works with
  • Crowdin Enterprise

Released on Sep 23, 2023

Updated on Jul 18, 2024

Published by Awesome Crowdin
